
The Virgin of the Rocks (1st) The Virgin of the Rocks (2nd) Leonardo da Vinci created 'The Virgin of the Rocks' in the beginning of his career after he moved to Milan. It was one of his first commissioned pieces intended for a dramatic alter piece that would include a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary in the chapel of the Immaculate Conception. Leonardo's first pieces was started in 1483 but after money conflicts, Leonardo ended up selling his piece to someone else and it now sits in Louvre, Paris. The second version of 'The Virgin of the Rocks' was officially completed in 1508, many years later. Da Vinci presents Mary in a more natural and humble form, placing her on the ground instead of the usual throne and contributing to the movement of Humanism. There are no hard lines shaping the bodies and Mary is sitting in a way that allows her to appear more approachable and nurturing, her hands give the appearance of grace as she nudges the baby, John the Baptist, to...