Art Analysis

Heat Wave no.2 by Collin Kelly's is a painting that reminds me of southern California. Kelly uses high value with his colors and uses texture to emphasize his vision of heat. He uses texture with his brush strokes that are thick and short allowing for the appearance of a hot day. Below the palm trees Kelly uses horizontal lines to give the illusion of distance and calm. Although there is an odd amount of trees on each side, Kelly still ensures to use symmetrical balance in the palm trees that give a sense of equilibrium in his painting. Furthermore, Collin uses contrast against the sky, palm trees and buildings. His light and dark hues along the smoother strokes of texture highlight the palm trees and allow for the painting to be appealing to the eye. 

Collin Kelly doesn't have a backstory for this painting but it really reminds me of San Diego and California in general. How the city looks on hot summer days and the peace and calmness of when the sun is setting and the city will soon be sleeping. My time in San Diego is about to end and I would love to have this in my home as a reminder of the seven years I have called it home. The colors he chose for a sunset are light and inviting which I really prefer over the brighter colors typically used for a sunset. Heat Wave no.2 is a painting that i would absolutely love to have in my home.


"Bhadauria Follow Teacher by Choice and by Heart. A Multimedia Professional with 16yrs of hard core experience., Ravi. “Elements and Principles of Design.” SlideShare," 



  1. I also lived in Southern California for 6 years. This reminds me of Palm Dessert in the summertime. I love your art analysis and how you talked about how the texture is done by brush strokes makes the illusion of a hot day. It honestly does look like that. I loved this; thank you for sharing!

  2. I love how the tone/colors bring out the ‘heat’ in this piece. It allows for the painting to take on a new kind of emotion. The palm trees do give off the Californian vibe!


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